Friday, August 21, 2009

Young Lords, Cha Cha Jimenez and Fred Hampton

omg, just found out/figured out why they shot Fred Hampton. Amy Goodman and Juan Gonzales had a thing on this morning about the Young Lords HERE
wonderful description about the already-radicalized militants, out of the antiwar and radical movement of 1969, looking for a vehicle to capture/disseminate practice and theory in the Puerto Rican community. In NY they were from S.D.S and the antiwar movement; in Chicago where the YL started they were from the same currents ans the Panthers -- formerly a turf-gang, which became political HERE
and in this link we find some wonderful Chicago history, the Division Street riots, Cha-cha Jimenez, Omar Lopez -- and Fred Hampton's initiative to form the first Rainbow Coalition-- the Panthers, the Young Lords and others. NO WONDER they(the Chicago police, Hanarahan) shot him!
Interesting to compare the different sites, the links almost immediately with academia, the undeveloped and unclear understanding about gangs, and their routes to EITHER politics or drug-mafia, reflecting the same confusion youth have when they first learn of these things. Just because it has a pretty web page doesn't make it truthful, authoritative, clarifying!
For an example of bad, incomplete history (because of the ideological limitations of the source) see For an interesting evocative description of life in Puerto Rico, see Cha-cha Jimenez' entry in Wikipedia HERE.
OK, NOW I'm REALLY just avoiding what I have to do....